You'll definitely never experienced incidents like this. You're a serious typing for hours. Several pages of typing already so dilayout, and it has been revised as well. You are satisfied with the results. All of a sudden the power goes out. It turns out that you forgot to click the Save button. Oh My God, the world seemed to be collapsing. Most people will be angry, upset, and regret why not do storage.
In forex trading is also the same. When the portfolio is already bloated and generate considerable profit, chances are you're too happy and let it be. Then the price reverses direction and profit in instantly vanishes. You forgot to click on the Save button (IE do profit taking). After that, sorry, why did not immediately profit taking.
Also many other things that could make the trader sad and sorry. Often the trader buys currency, the price eh even down. At the moment we just sell the currency, eh price even bobbing incoherent. When we choose a hold position, eh even profit increasingly eroded. All of these things can cause us regret it, it is just normal. Just don't let that feeling continues to overwhelm you.
The feeling of regret can excessive herding you to REVENGE on the market.
This is a thing that should be avoided. A lot is happening is the trader opens a position again soon in order to cover any losses that occur immediately. This can actually cause all the plans the plan falls apart. Too much trading with high emotions always plunges investors at a loss.
If you lose, or you missed the train, late open positions because of the price of a currency already trigger moves, just willing. Need not be pursued. Forex trading can be done 24 hours a day, 5 days a week is full. Thus there will always be another opportunity for profit. You can always try again.
How should we behave towards the losses we are experiencing due to wrong doing trading decisions? Let's say you are learning. Indeed painful. However and it is painful, You will always remember. Let's say you are learning with considerable costs and teacher who is always right. The teacher who called the market.
Don't ever regret. It's been proven that the protracted emotions not good for trading. In addition, there have been many stories, either abroad or within the country, people are losing trading suicide, killing his family, the film and kill other people. If the investor is already so it's not only a loss of money, but also the loss of losing a place in heaven.
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