Many roads lead to Rome, so are a lot of ways to profit in trading forex. Everyone has a style of its own forex trading. You also need to have your own trading style. Don't bandwagon. Something of a success for others, not necessarily a good fit for you.
Below will be discussed some of the styles of trading. With the online system trading forex margin system, then the user is online forex trading tends to be a trader. Called traders because they are very active. Traders usually hold an Exchange within relative short, could in a matter of seconds, minutes, hours, or weeks of han, some up to a maximum of three months. Some types of trading they do include:
1. Trend trading. Trading style that seeks to generate a profit and take into account the trends that happen either short, medium or long term trend. If the trend were to rise, traders are placing a buy position, can be rather short.
2. Range Trading. Trading style noodles using the upper and lower limits (support and resistance). The calculation is when prices approach the support or resistance usually will bounce. Well, with traders anticipate can benefit. The distance between the support and resistance
is range trading. Usually the price will move in
between this trading range.
3. News Trading. This trading style is trying
anticipating the effect of publication of news or data
economy that could affect. Usually the trader
trying to get a short term profit, because
currencies normally straight quickly for a moment
After the news came out.
4. Scalping. Literally and scalper is head lice
Skip. Trading style noodles is very active, but only
trying to get a small profit. Usually ranges
1-20 pips per trade. Just saves the position trader
in a matter of seconds or minutes. Though small, but
because it is done in a high frequency, and number of
large lot, total benefits also passable. A little bit, long so much.
5. Day Trading. This trading style take advantage
and daily fluctuations of currencies. Usually the trader
opening several positions within a day. Similar to
with a scalper free time horizonnya.
The range between a few minutes to hours per
6. Swing Trading. Trading style noodles take
gains and currency fluctuations in the period
longer. Time horizonnya is in
a matter of hours to a few days.
7. Carry Trading. Trading style mi tried to take
profits and holding currency rates
interest rate (interest rate) higher and selling eye
money with a lower interest rate. The profit
originate and the interest rate difference.
8. Position Trading. Trading style noodles using
a longer time horizon. He can open
position until a matter of weeks to months.
9. DiscretionaryTrading. This trading style using personal appraisals in any open position. For example, he may use fundamental analysis or technical, but he added his own assumptions.
10. Automated Trading. This trading style is a little or not at all using the intervention, but people use the trading software, it is usually called a robot. The advantages of this trading is reducing the emotional factor in thetrading. The drawback is can not take into account or anticipate the fundamental aspects and strongly depends on the sophistication of the software. When the advanced software, traders can profit consistently, otherwise
When you are confused to determine your trading style, it is advisable to choose the style of trading with consideration especially in a matter of time. This time because of the problems of hard-bargained.
If you are very busy, still work in other places as an employee, it is
far more rational to be a trader or a long term investor. Not funny
right, while working in the Office, you instead mencuri-curi glanced
trading platform. The boss found out, can be a problem
If You ask me, where the best trading style, the answer is no. Every trading style represents the strengths and weaknesses of each. Not a trading style that you should look for the best, but the most fit in with our personality. If you are not comfortable with the style of aggressive day traders, why should impose din.
Please choose your own style. Remember, not all trading style appropriate to each trader. You must select the appropriate. You can also combine various styles of trading when necessary. It all depends on how much capital, the time that you can devote to forex, you assume the risk, courage and character or personality. In addition to this style of trading was also influenced by a forex broker you use. In some brokerage, you cannot use the Automated Trading, as a trading platform that is used does not support. Sometimes a few trading techniques also restricted, such as scalping, because there is a limitation of the number of positions that can be opened in a given period of time.
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